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Contrail Windows Performance Testing

This document describes assumptions, utilized tools and conclusions drawn from performance tests of Contrail on Windows Server 2016.


TCP throughput was measured in the following scenarios:

ID Test name Description Comments
A Raw Raw Windows Server network stack
B Containers Windows Server containers (WinSrv containers) on 2 compute nodes
C Colocated Containers WinSrv containers on 1 compute node
D Containers w/ Contrail WinSrv containers on 2 compute nodes, with Contrail Windows WIP PR
E Containers (no seg) WinSrv containers on 2 compute nodes, traffic tuned to eliminate TCP segmentation
F Containers w/ Contrail (no seg) WinSrv containers on 2 compute nodes, with Contrail Windows, traffic tuned to eliminate TCP segmentation

Test results and scenarios are described in the following sections.


On sender nodes:

Metric A B C D E F
Throughput (Mbit/s) 7375.159 1592.691 1956.786 658.291 235.852 98.734
Avg. CPU % 14.799 15.843 57.098 40.992 29.373 34.544

On receiver nodes:

Metric A B C D E F
Throughput (Mbit/s) 7375.198 1592.698 1948.824 657.520 235.784 98.732
Avg. CPU % 21.161 42.278 57.086 48.184 25.064 25.763



  • Enabling Hyper-V on Windows Server 2016 reduces TCP throughput by a factor of 3-4 (throughput in scenario A is 3-4 times higher than throughput in scenario B)
  • Difference between TCP throughput scenario where containers are colocated (scenario C) and scenario where containers are on separate nodes (scenario B), suggests that VMSwitch is a bottleneck.
  • Comparing results from scenarios E and F shows that vRouter code paths could account for 50-60% drop in TCP throughput.

Performance baseline for Contrail Windows should be based on network performance of containers running on Hyper-V, which is ~1600 MBit/s of TCP throughput between containers on different compute nodes.

Test environment assumptions

Performance is evaluated on 2 VMware virtual machines. Virtual machines should have the following specs:

  • VMware Virtual Machine version 13,
  • CPU: 2 vCPU,
  • RAM: 4 GB,
  • Storage: 50 GB HDD (VMware Paravirtual SCSI),
  • NIC1: 1Gb (Emulated E1000E),
  • NIC2: 10Gb (VMXNET3).

Both virtual machines should be spawned on the same ESXi. NIC1 is used as a MANAGEMENT plane adapter and can be attached to any vSwitch. NIC2 is used as a CONTROL and DATA adapter and it should be attached to vSS created solely for performance testing. This vSS should not have any physical NICs attached.

Test scenarios



  • 2 Windows Server compute nodes (node A and node B);
  • compute nodes without Hyper-V and Containers Windows features installed;
  • node A and node B exchange TCP segments using NTttcp tool;
  • used NTttcp options:
    # On node A
    .\NTttcp.exe -s -m 1,*, -l 128k -t 15
    # On node B
    .\NTttcp.exe -r -m 1,*, -rb 2M -t 15


+----------------------+                       +----------------------+
|    WINDOWS NODE A    |                       |    WINDOWS NODE B    |
|                      |                       |                      |
|                      |                       |                      |
|    +---------+     +-+-------+       +-------+-+     +---------+    |
|    |         |     |         |       |         |     |         |    |
|    |   OS    +-----+  10 Gb  +-------+  10 Gb  +-----+   OS    |    |
|    |  STACK  +-----+   NIC   +-------+   NIC   +-----+  STACK  |    |
|    |         |     |         |       |         |     |         |    |
|    +---------+     +-+-------+       +-------+-+     +---------+    |
|                      |                       |                      |
|                      |                       |                      |
|                      |                       |                      |
|                      |                       |                      |
+----------------------+                       +----------------------+



  • 2 Windows Server compute nodes (node A and node B);
  • Hyper-V and Docker are installed on both compute nodes;
  • 1 container sender running on node A;
  • 1 container receiver running on node B;
  • sender and receiver exchange TCP segments using NTttcp tool;
  • used NTttcp options:
    # On sender
    .\NTttcp.exe -s -m 1,*, -l 128k -t 15
    # On receiver
    .\NTttcp.exe -r -m 1,*, -rb 2M -t 15


+----------------------+                       +----------------------+
|                      |                       |                      |
|  +------------+      |                       |      +------------+  |
|  |  VMSWITCH  |      |                       |      |  VMSWITCH  |  |
|  |            +--+ +---------+       +---------+ +--+            |  |
|  +------------+  | |         |       |         | |  +------------+  |
|    |        |    | |  10 Gb  +-------+  10 Gb  | |       |      |   |
|    |        |    +-+   NIC   +-------+   NIC   +-+       |      |   |
|  +----+ +------+   |         |       |         |    +------+ +----+ |
|  |    | |      |   +---------+       +---------+    |      | |    | |
|  | OS | | CONT |     |                       |      | CONT | | OS | |
|  |    | |      |     |                       |      |      | |    | |
|  +----+ +------+     |                       |      +------+ +----+ |
|                      |                       |                      |
+----------------------+                       +----------------------+

Colocated Containers


  • 1 Windows Server compute node;
  • Hyper-V and Docker are installed on compute note;
  • containers sender and receiver are running on this compute node;
  • sender and receiver exchange TCP segments using NTttcp tool using command line options from Test scenarios section.
  • used NTttcp options:
    # On sender
    .\NTttcp.exe -s -m 1,*, -l 128k -t 15
    # On receiver
    .\NTttcp.exe -r -m 1,*, -rb 2M -t 15


|                     |
|   +-------------+   |
|   |  VMSWITCH   |   |
|   |             |   |
|   +-+---------+-+   |
|     |         |     |
|     |         |     |
|  +--+---+ +---+--+  |
|  |      | |      |  |
|  | CONT | | CONT |  |
|  |      | |      |  |
|  +------+ +------+  |
|                     |

Containers w/ Contrail


  • 2 compute nodes (node A and node B);
  • 1 Contrail network named network1;
  • 1 container sender on node A, attached to network1 network;
  • 1 container receiver on node B, attached to network1 network;
  • sender and receiver exchange TCP segments using NTttcp tool;
  • used NTttcp options:
    # On sender
    .\NTttcp.exe -s -m 1,*, -l 128k -t 15
    # On receiver
    .\NTttcp.exe -r -m 1,*, -rb 2M -t 15


+----------------------+                       +----------------------+
|                      |                       |                      |
|  +------------+      |                       |      +------------+  |
|  |  VMSWITCH  |      |                       |      |  VMSWITCH  |  |
|  |     +      |      |                       |      |     +      |  |
|  |  VROUTER   |      |                       |      |  VROUTER   |  |
|  |            +--+ +---------+       +---------+ +--+            |  |
|  +------------+  | |         |       |         | |  +------------+  |
|    |        |    | |  10 Gb  +-------+  10 Gb  | |       |      |   |
|    |        |    +-+   NIC   +-------+   NIC   +-+       |      |   |
|  +----+ +------+   |         |       |         |    +------+ +----+ |
|  |    | |      |   +---------+       +---------+    |      | |    | |
|  | OS | | CONT |     |                       |      | CONT | | OS | |
|  |    | |      |     |                       |      |      | |    | |
|  +----+ +------+     |                       |      +------+ +----+ |
|                      |                       |                      |
+----------------------+                       +----------------------+

Containers (no seg)


  • 2 Windows Server compute nodes (node A and node B);
  • Hyper-V and Docker are installed on both compute nodes;
  • 1 container sender running on node A;
  • 1 container receiver running on node B;
  • sender and receiver exchange TCP segments using NTttcp tool;
  • NTttcp options tuned so that no fragmentation and segmentation should occur; options used:
    # On sender
    .\NTttcp.exe -s -m 1,*, -l 1390 -t 15 -ndl
    # On receiver
    .\NTttcp.exe -r -m 1,*, -rb 2M -t 15 -ndl


+----------------------+                       +----------------------+
|                      |                       |                      |
|  +------------+      |                       |      +------------+  |
|  |  VMSWITCH  |      |                       |      |  VMSWITCH  |  |
|  |            +--+ +---------+       +---------+ +--+            |  |
|  +------------+  | |         |       |         | |  +------------+  |
|    |        |    | |  10 Gb  +-------+  10 Gb  | |       |      |   |
|    |        |    +-+   NIC   +-------+   NIC   +-+       |      |   |
|  +----+ +------+   |         |       |         |    +------+ +----+ |
|  |    | |      |   +---------+       +---------+    |      | |    | |
|  | OS | | CONT |     |                       |      | CONT | | OS | |
|  |    | |      |     |                       |      |      | |    | |
|  +----+ +------+     |                       |      +------+ +----+ |
|                      |                       |                      |
+----------------------+                       +----------------------+

Containers w/ Contrail (no seg)


  • 2 compute nodes (node A and node B);
  • 1 Contrail network named network1;
  • 1 container sender on node A, attached to network1 network;
  • 1 container receiver on node B, attached to network1 network;
  • sender and receiver exchange TCP segments using NTttcp tool;
  • NTttcp options tuned so that no fragmentation and segmentation should occur; options used:
    # On sender
    .\NTttcp.exe -s -m 1,*, -l 1390 -t 15 -ndl
    # On receiver
    .\NTttcp.exe -r -m 1,*, -rb 2M -t 15 -ndl


+----------------------+                       +----------------------+
|                      |                       |                      |
|  +------------+      |                       |      +------------+  |
|  |  VMSWITCH  |      |                       |      |  VMSWITCH  |  |
|  |     +      |      |                       |      |     +      |  |
|  |  VROUTER   |      |                       |      |  VROUTER   |  |
|  |            +--+ +---------+       +---------+ +--+            |  |
|  +------------+  | |         |       |         | |  +------------+  |
|    |        |    | |  10 Gb  +-------+  10 Gb  | |       |      |   |
|    |        |    +-+   NIC   +-------+   NIC   +-+       |      |   |
|  +----+ +------+   |         |       |         |    +------+ +----+ |
|  |    | |      |   +---------+       +---------+    |      | |    | |
|  | OS | | CONT |     |                       |      | CONT | | OS | |
|  |    | |      |     |                       |      |      | |    | |
|  +----+ +------+     |                       |      +------+ +----+ |
|                      |                       |                      |
+----------------------+                       +----------------------+


Hyper-V with Containers - setup

# System setup
Install-WindowsFeature Containers
Install-WindowsFeature NET-Framework-Features
Install-WindowsFeature Hyper-V -IncludeManagementTools
Install-Module DockerMsftProvider -Force
Install-Package Docker -ProviderName DockerMsftProvider -Force -RequiredVersion 17.06.2-ee-16

# Docker setup (on both Windows hosts)
Start-Service Docker
docker image pull microsoft/windowsservercore:ltsc2016
docker network create -d transparent --subnet= --gateway= -o"Ethernet1" mynetwork

# On sender
docker run -id --rm --network mynetwork --ip= --name sender microsoft/windowsservercore:ltsc2016 powershell
docker cp .\NTttcp.exe sender:C:\
docker exec -it sender powershell

# On receiver
docker run -id --rm --network mynetwork --ip= --name receiver microsoft/windowsservercore:ltsc2016 powershell
docker cp .\NTttcp.exe receiver:C:\
docker exec -it receiver powershell

# Testing (commands inside container)
sender   > .\NTttcp.exe -s -m 1,*, -l 128k -t 15
receiver > .\NTttcp.exe -r -m 1,*, -rb 2M -t 15

Raw vs Hyper-V performance

According to the Microsoft Networking blog (here: VMQ Deep Dive) the following behavior can be observed:

  • Without any VMSwitch/Hyper-V configured, packets are directed to different hardware queues based on flow hash. Each queue is assigned to a different CPU core. Windows utilizes RSS on NICs to achieve that.
  • With VMSwitch configured, packets are directed to different hardware queues based on destination MAC address. Each queue is assigned to a different CPU core. As a result each virtual adapter is assigned to a single CPU core and network throughput should be capped at c. 2-3 Gbps. This mechanism is called VMQ on Windows and it effectively disables RSS.

Initial tests confirm these claims - after Hyper-V was enabled and VMSwitch was configured, the network throughput dropped from ~7400 Mbps to ~1600 Mbps for single TCP stream. However, inspecting VMQ configuration provides that VMQ is enabled on the host (VMXNET3 virtual adapters do not support VMQ in nested Hyper-V), so packets should not be processed based on destination MAC address. Thus, performance drop, in this case, comes from bare computational overhead imposed by Hyper-V/VMSwitch.

To test out this assumption, the following scenarios were tested:

ID Test name Description
A Raw Raw Windows Server network stack
B 2 Containers 2 WinSrv containers on 2 compute nodes (1 container per node)
C 4 Containers 4 WinSrv containers on 2 compute nodes (2 containers per node)
D 2 Containers, 2 threads Same as B, but NTttcp uses 2 threads instead of one

If assumption is correct, then:

  • total network throughput in scenario C should be twice as high as in B,
  • since throughput is bound per virtual adapter, throughput in scenario D should not go beyond the results for scenario B.

The results were as follows:

sender node:

Metric A B C D
Throughput (Mbit/s) 7375.159 1592.691 2313.072 2500.388
Avg. CPU % 14.799 15.843 36.044 34.294

receiver node:

Metric A B C D
Throughput (Mbit/s) 7375.198 1592.698 2316.991 2501.5896
Avg. CPU % 21.161 42.278 69.274 76.055


  • enabling Hyper-V and introducing VMSwitch to a network stack, increases CPU usage on receiver side by a factor of 2-4;
  • throughput does not seem to be capped per virtual adapter, since we observe the same performance boost in scenarios C and D;
  • as a result, performance drop seems to be related to computational overhead imposed by Hyper-V/VMSwitch.

To test out the limits of this setup, we have increased a number of vCPUs on testbeds from 2 to 8 and ran a test similar to scenario D, but with 8 threads in NTttcp. The results were as follows:

sender node:

Throughput (Mbit/s) 4845.864
Avg. CPU % 26.034

receiver node:

Throughput (Mbit/s) 4845.932
Avg. CPU % 63.549

These results support an assumption, that performance drop after enabling Hyper-V is mostly a result of software overhead.